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- /*
- * Some Tests.c
- *
- * This program source code and it's compiled version is
- * Copyright (c) 1991 N. Hawthorn.
- * This program source code and it's compiled version IS NOT IN THE
- * PUBLIC DOMAIN ! Please read the "COPYRIGHT NOTICE / NH" file for details
- * regarding use of this program source code and it's compiled version.
- *
- *
- * Some examples for you...
- *
- */
- #include "MUBBS Module.h"
- struct PPP { /* this struct is NOT created here (globally) ! */
- int hahaha; /* this is a test struct to pass some variables to the other */
- int hehe; /* test module */
- }; /* you DONT HAVE TO USE THIS, just pass 0 to the module in P */
- /* and make this a empty struct */
- tests(P)
- struct PPP *P;
- {
- char datetime[25];
- if (!G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* do this check so we can log out if hang up */
- print("This is the Example2 module, module mode is %d.\n",mode[u]);
- send("]Hello this is the Example2 module printing something to the user online]");
- loop:
- if (P != 0L) /* only do this if we are passed a pointer to a something */
- {
- send("]P->hahaha=%d, P->hehe=%d IN THE MODULE !",P->hahaha,P->hehe);
- P->hehe=100; /* change it to show that you can do this ! */
- }
- loguser(G->modulename[u]); /* this tells where you are for remote sysop, or writes to log file */
- /* you print the following so that the sysop can monitor use on the mac screen */
- print("C> Line %d %s, at: %s\n",(u+1),G->username[u],G->modulename[u]);
- /* this print is for the Example module only */
- print("\nC> This module's name is :%s, the calling module's name was :%s ",G->modulename[u],G->oldmodulename[u]);
- send("]] *** Example2 Module Menu ***]]");
- if (!(cmd1(">> Getdatetime, Remove time, Sendafile, Time on, Quit :"))) goto byebye; /* timeout */
- send (G->CR[u]);
- switch (G->input[u]) {
- case 'G':
- getdatetime(datetime); /* gets the date & time */
- send("]You are on line %d at %s PST]", (u+1), datetime);
- break;
- case 'R':
- send("]Time WAS %d minutes so far, %d allowed]",G->timeon[u],G->timeallowed[u]);
- if(G->timeallowed[u] > 5) { G->timeallowed[u]=5;} /* test the timeout in the menu module */
- G->timeon[u]++;
- send("]Time adjusted to %d minutes so far, %d allowed]",G->timeon[u],G->timeallowed[u]);
- break;
- case 'S':
- send("]a test of open, sending \":testtext:test.txt\"]");
- sendafile(":testtext:test.txt"); /* send this file in this folder */
- break;
- case 'T':
- send("]You have been on line %d minutes so far, %d allowed]",G->timeon[u],G->timeallowed[u]);
- break;
- case 'Q': /* Quit */
- return;
- break;
- }
- if (!G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* log out */
- goto loop;
- byebye:
- G->online[u]=FALSE; /* show we timed out */
- }
- sendafile(file) /* this shows you how file access works */
- /* this type of fuction is SUPPLIED to you in a call back */
- /* this is just for a EXAMPLE ! */
- char *file;
- {
- int i;
- unsigned char c;
- char temp[64];
- FILE *stream;
- if ((stream = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
- print("\nFILE ERROR, cannot open %s ",file);
- send("]FILE ERROR - Cannot open file %s ",file);
- return;
- }
- else print("\nopened %s ",file);
- strcpy(temp,"Viewing ");
- strcat(temp,file);
- loguser(temp);
- while (((i = fgetc(stream)) != EOF)) {
- if (G->okcancel[u]) {if (G->cancel[u]) break;} /* check for cancel press */
- c = i & 0xFF;
- if ((c == 0x0A) || (c == 0x0D)) { send(G->CR[u]); }
- else G->out(c);
- }
- fclose(stream);
- G->cont[u]=FALSE; /* set for term line counting, incase they pressed "continuous" */
- }